Saturday, September 6, 2008

Quality not Quantity

Moms work for different reasons. It doesn’t matter what the reasons are, what does matter is the family, particularly the children.
My son was eight years old when I became a single mom who had to work full time. My first concern was my little boy, and how he would do throughout this whole ordeal. I was so blessed to have loving parents who were always there for us. I will never forget my Mom’s words when I expressed my concern of not being there for my son because I had to work full time. Being the wise woman that she was she explained to me that “it isn’t the quantity of time but it is the quality of time”. The example she gave was of a mother who stayed home with her kids but was busy watching soap operas or who plunked her kids in front of cartoons so that she was not bothered. The next example was the working mom who came home from work who spent good quality time with her children, enjoying them, and instilling them with values. I decided to be the later, I hate soap operas anyway.
There are so many happy memories that my son and I share. My favorites come from our “chit chats”.
Every night before he would go to bed he would sit on my lap and we would share our thoughts for the day. These times were so precious to me, and I do believe they helped mold my son into the fine man he is today.
I could go on and on of all his accomplishments but the thing I am most proud of is his character. He is one of the finest most honorable men I know, and I thank God for being so blessed.


Kathy said...

So, true Kathy. I was a single mom too. I remember the time Jeff when he was around 3 and I were at the grocery store and while I was buying packaged cookies for him, he said " Mom, some moms BAKE cookies!" I had to hold the tears back because I wanted nothing more than to be able to be a home baking cookies for my children. He of course didnt know how it hurt my heart, I just gave him a big squeeze and told him that some moms had to work for their babies...I never regretting having to work. I too, remember the routine of our evenings together and how precious they were. Holding them in my lap and reading stories, the bedtime snacks and the heart to heart conversations. I miss it all. I look at Jeff now and "its allllll good!". I love you. Thanks for your thoughts in words.

Concerned-Citizen said...

You know, we did a good job! Our three kids turned out to be great adults. As far as I know, mine hasn't hid any other kid in the drier.