Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Reality Hits

Having my fear voted in as president of our country, I came to the realization that I can not mope, or become angry. This is reality and we must pray that God will guide Obama with the wisdom and compassion he will need to take over our great country.


Kathy said...

I totally agree...I hope that all the Obama supporters will still be as happy at the end of this four year term as they are today...I really do. I wanted the dems to support Bush...saying "This was a majority vote and we must support and honor the elected President." so, now I must show the same support and honor that I expected of least until he shows one way or the other if my honor is deserved.

Concerned-Citizen said...

The Dems treat President Bush so horribly-they should be ashamed.
Let's see what they do when Obama does not deliver on some promises.