Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin

``Say it ain't so, Joe, there you go again pointing backward,'' Palin said at one point. ``Now, doggone it, let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future.''

Amen to that Sarah. For those of you who missed the vice presidential debate, make sure you watch it. It will no doubt be on many times. Let us know what you think.

I am saying that they both are good speakers, but I think Palin spoke to the people. Also-if you watch Biden's body language, and facial expressions, it looks to me like he was enthralled with Sarah's ability as well as her down to earth answers.

Stress Relief:
Now that the debate is over-do not watch or listen to the news media rip our Sarah apart

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I watched part of it on Fox and then they repeated it at midnight, so I ended up seeing it all. I was very impressed with Sarah and thought that Biden looked scary! He kind of looks down and up at you like an angry dog...a bit spooky to me. Sarah won for sure! She skirted some questions that I wish she would have addressed, but all in all it was good and she really did keep her cool. I wonder what the media would have said if she had gotten "choked up" like Biden did. She would have received the wrath of the media for being a girl!