Thursday, September 11, 2008

Politics and TV

Why are hosts of TV shows compelled to have “movie stars”, and the not so stars like Joy Behar on to tote their never-ending ignorance about our country, present and past. I actually did try and watch Larry King the other night, and tried to listen to the distorted facts that flew out of Joy’s mouth. I found her to be arrogant, ignorant, hateful, and as left as one can get. The Republicans were blamed for everything, and it was evident that thanks to the democrats we have “safety nets” as she called them. Nets for unemployment, nets for those who do not take care of themselves, you know, nets to keep the people down while the left decides what’s best for them, and we all pay for it with our hard earned money.
I don’t think that most conservatives are so right winged that they don’t think with common sense. Good old common sense, something the left democrats are lacking. They are of the big government, big brother, we know better than you do mentality. When did the democrats get so socialistic in their views? They are a very scary group.
What I found to be her most interesting subject was our health care system. It seems the republicans have not mentioned health care once in their speeches and I have to wonder which republicans she is listening to. Republicans have done nothing to fix the health care that may I remind her was to be fixed by Hillary when Bill became President about 16 years ago.
I could go on and on about the irrational women, but I don’t want to point her out when there are so many republican hating folks out there—Michael, Moore, Babs, Alec Baldwin, Madonna to name a few.
Note that these people are entertainers with very little or no education in government, and they seem to be too dumb to know just how dumb they are.
Just go to for some brilliant repertoire from this pseudo intellectual dude. Whatcha all think? Be honest. Copy and paste this urban legends information to find out the truth. I figured it out before Matt and I am not even a famous movie star.
That’s all I have to say about that.

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