Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Media

I have to express my thoughts on this. I ask-What is the purpose of the media running Sara Palin's daughter's pregnancy through the muck? Some have gone so far as to put the Myspace blog up that the future father wrote--making special note to let us all know that under "children" his answer was "do not want children". Thank goodness the site has been removed.
The media has become what I think of as over the top tabloid, juicy gossip news. Most of the scrolls on TV were about the girl's pregnancy. In their minds it ranks right up there with Hurricane Gustav, the Republican Convention, and basically all really note worthy news stories.
Could it be that the media thinks it is helping their beloved Democrats? If so they are a pitiful bunch of fools.


Kathy said...

I soooo agree with you, except on only one point...the media has BEEN an over the top tabloid, juicy gossip news for a long time...they only get worse. I am already sick of the media trying to put their negative spin on Sarah Palin trying to be a mom and a vp at the same time. Like I heard on fox news this am, they are asking why dont they question Biden's "single parenting"...that seemed to be ok and without question. How about Obama, doesnt he have 2 little girls and a wife? Why are they not questioning his ability to be a husband and a parent along with being a presidential candidate? so sterotypical it makes me sick. Go McCain/Palin!

Concerned-Citizen said...

It will be hard for me not to stroke out before the November elections.

Kathy said...

love your new banner..where did you get it?